Wednesday, October 24, 2007

... jessicas bridal session ...

look at me.
i'm the bloggin pro.
(right now, anyways.)
i finally finished editing jessica's bridal pictures.
i took them over the summer.
but i wanted to post them before i forgot.
so here they are.

jessica was a pro.
she was willing to do anything in her dress.
i was happy she said she would lay on all those rocks between the railroads.
she was a lot of fun to work with too.
she's got a strong model face.
so it was hard to get a bad shot.

this first one is my faaaaaavorite... :)

1 comment:

Dre Fillmore said...

hey! you're the author of those gorgeous pics of my sister in law! they are amazing! i LOVE the one of her laying down in the rocks with her dress spread out. i'm sure your biz will do well! your pics are outstanding