Sunday, March 23, 2008

... happy easter ...

lastnight we went to victory and saw daniels cousins in "he's alive".
and this morning i sang in the choir for all three services at destiny.
i absolutely LOVE my church.
like... seriously.

today marked the one year anniversary of me meeting daniels family here in tulsa.
we went to his aunt and uncles place for lunch.
lots of family and good food all around!!
i even played a game with the fam!!!
thats a big deal - i don't usually like games.
and then i took a 5 hour nap!
it was much needed.
i haven't been sleeping well lately.

i finished another slideshow.
it's the one i made telling about the brief courtship daniel and i had.
it goes by the months from when we met.
til when we got married.
it's also to the song we first danced to.
and the song literally tells the story of us. :)
good times.
hope you all like it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole & Daniel, Thanks for taking us on your journey, through your slideshow! God has great things in store for you all! Keep Him first and take great care of each other. -Renae