Tuesday, November 27, 2007

... michelle + ryan ...

last june, daniel and i were honored in witnessing his cousin, ryan, marry the beautiful michelle.
we snapped a few shots here and there throughout their most amazing day!
here's a few that i played around with today.
i'll show the ones i textured (since textured pictures are schweeeet!).

beautiful people = beautimous pictures!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

... holidayyy cardsss ...

the holidays are nearrrrrr!!!!
how excited am i?!?!?!?
VERY excited.
daniel and i have our christmas tree and decorations up already.
pics of that are soon to come.

we are so behind on blogging and posting pictures.
i hope to have some new pics up shortly.
in the meantime.
i've been working on christmas cards.
the ones posted on this entry are 100% designed by yours truly.

if you're wanting cards done.
let us know.
and we'll work hard to get them to you extremely soon.
christmas cards are scrumptous!
here's two that i've done.


back: (this is stephanies new way of saying "merry christmas")

front: (the words behind the pictures say "christmas" in navajo)


Sunday, November 18, 2007

... joleen + robert ...

last saturday, i had the extreme privilege of photographing the engagement session of two very photogenic lovebirds.
rob and jo are such a sweet couple that we met and know from our more than cool church.
we're pretty stoked to photograph their wedding in april!!!!

... a lil post and some qc ...

i did a couple shoots yesterday.
a family and engagement session.
daniel and i are stoked about editing them.
some pictures will be posted shortly from those.

a good friend of mine, mr. mccasland, recently directed a music video for the band, Quiet Company.
so i'm posting the vid for all to see.
good job, cameron!!! :)

Friday, November 9, 2007

... pfft ... newz ...

as most of you know.
daniel and i are working on doing our photography business full time.
we have a lot to do. and learn.
i want to remain completely humble about everything.
and constantly have an attitude of expectation and learning.
and i'm loving being able to now concentrate fully on the business and getting it going.
we have TONS of ideas of raising the bar in photography.
every client we have will not only be special.
but we want to make them feel incredibly important as well.
so stay tuned for more and more.

some people have been asking the meaning behind our name.
so i will reveal the highly anticipated reason!!! ;)
lyric is what we have decided to name our first daughter.
no. i'm not pregnant!
we're just... plannin ahead.
and we liked the idea of naming the business after her.
so there you go.

thats all.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

... stephy ...

i did a shoot of stephanie by herself a few weeks ago.
then realized i never posted them.
so here's the biz.

... john's senior session ...

here they are.
some picture from my "little" cousins senior session.

this first one is daniel and i's favorite...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

... nerds unite! ...

soooo we recently got some toys! :)

we're giving the new blu ray disc player a chance.
so far, it's pretty brilliant.
the picture is amazing as well as the unit itself being modern and sexy.

boys and their toys.
i loved loved LOVED watching my dad and daniel gorging themselves in these units.

and watching them for a few hours while they connected everything together.

daniel also got the new xbox elite.
the new guitar hero.
and whatta you know... halo 3.
he's a halo nut.

the only cool thing i like about all this is...
i got me a pink controller.

we had some friends over the other night.
mandy and travis! :)
mandy played guitar hero for the first time.
she was pretty good... and hooked!

in kitty news.
she suddenly has been falling asleep on her back.
what a silly beast.

... a shoot, some buttons and sushi ...

lastnight i had a senior session with my little cousin, john.
he's not really little.
i just keep saying that so i don't remember how old i really am.
i still can't believe that he is really a high school senior.
it seems like yesterday we were all little bratty kids runnin around.
time goes by so fast

anyways, i'll be posting pictures very soon from that.
after our session, we walked around and i did a little shopping at dwelling spaces.
an aaaamazing store!!! you all should check it out.
i got a couple stationary sets and some buttons.
then afterwards, we walked next door and met up with daniel and his friend thats in town, kevin.
we headed on over to tsunami sushi.
we feasted on some good sushi, calamari, laughs & conversation.

'twas a good night indeed.
here's our sushi pictures i took on my phone. :)

Monday, November 5, 2007

... pam + dean wedding ...

last saturday i had the honor of helping my good friend, heather, in photographing the wedding of pam and dean.
what a beautiful couple!!
their wedding was amazing with some great reception dancers!!
it's so awesome to see a couple wed and put God first in their relationship.
i wish them the best in their future.

pam and dean were married at tarp chapel and their entertainment was provided by my personal friend, DJ Kurtis from DJ connections.
here's a few teasers from their wedding. :)

Friday, November 2, 2007

... 3-in-1 ...

so our aaaamazing church had their 2nd annual family fun festival last week.
it was an awesome success.
we are very blessed to be part of such a great church family.
daniel and i had the privilidge to head up the water toss and obstacle course.
good times. :)
here's a few shots we got from the festivities....

the other day, our graphics card went out on our pc. blech.
we are anxiously waiting on our new mac. can't wait!
but in the meantime, we had a box laying out and our kitty decided to call it home for a few hours.
daniel grabbed the camera and took a few shots.
she's so cute!!!...

we also had a little halloween get together.
we had a cobweb entrance at our house.
it was fun.
friends chillin at our place in costume.
daniel and i dressed up as the corpse bride and groom.
we looked scary. i'm not gonna lie...

and kitty even dressed up as a cowgirl!!! :)

the end.