Saturday, November 24, 2007

... holidayyy cardsss ...

the holidays are nearrrrrr!!!!
how excited am i?!?!?!?
VERY excited.
daniel and i have our christmas tree and decorations up already.
pics of that are soon to come.

we are so behind on blogging and posting pictures.
i hope to have some new pics up shortly.
in the meantime.
i've been working on christmas cards.
the ones posted on this entry are 100% designed by yours truly.

if you're wanting cards done.
let us know.
and we'll work hard to get them to you extremely soon.
christmas cards are scrumptous!
here's two that i've done.


back: (this is stephanies new way of saying "merry christmas")

front: (the words behind the pictures say "christmas" in navajo)


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