Wednesday, November 7, 2007

... a shoot, some buttons and sushi ...

lastnight i had a senior session with my little cousin, john.
he's not really little.
i just keep saying that so i don't remember how old i really am.
i still can't believe that he is really a high school senior.
it seems like yesterday we were all little bratty kids runnin around.
time goes by so fast

anyways, i'll be posting pictures very soon from that.
after our session, we walked around and i did a little shopping at dwelling spaces.
an aaaamazing store!!! you all should check it out.
i got a couple stationary sets and some buttons.
then afterwards, we walked next door and met up with daniel and his friend thats in town, kevin.
we headed on over to tsunami sushi.
we feasted on some good sushi, calamari, laughs & conversation.

'twas a good night indeed.
here's our sushi pictures i took on my phone. :)

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