Friday, November 9, 2007

... pfft ... newz ...

as most of you know.
daniel and i are working on doing our photography business full time.
we have a lot to do. and learn.
i want to remain completely humble about everything.
and constantly have an attitude of expectation and learning.
and i'm loving being able to now concentrate fully on the business and getting it going.
we have TONS of ideas of raising the bar in photography.
every client we have will not only be special.
but we want to make them feel incredibly important as well.
so stay tuned for more and more.

some people have been asking the meaning behind our name.
so i will reveal the highly anticipated reason!!! ;)
lyric is what we have decided to name our first daughter.
no. i'm not pregnant!
we're just... plannin ahead.
and we liked the idea of naming the business after her.
so there you go.

thats all.

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