Tuesday, December 18, 2007

... good friend times ...

lastnight was pure f-u-n.
a night full of laughing and friends!
15 of us couples from our awesome church got together and went out for a night of food, chatting and one big limo.
we all had dinner at cheddars in tulsa.
then got picked up by a limo to take a christmas lights tour.
here's a few pics i snapped throughout the night.
thanks amy! for planning an awesome time for us all! :)
we need to do these more often.
while posting these, i realized how blessed daniel and i are for how many awesome friends we have.
thanks for an amazing night guys!...

loadin the limo:

toasting our APPLE CIDER!!:

the first and last house we saw on the tour (tony took these shots - he was sitting by the window):

the group shots:

and i, of course snagged a few couples to do a few fun shots...







iman+karen (we were purposefully going for the prom style picture):


and then daniel and i completed our night with a few promo shots for our site. here's one that's fun:

yay! for friends!! :)

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