Sunday, December 2, 2007

... the daniels family ...

i did a couple family shoots today.
one of them being a really good friend of mine, sarah.
sarah has literally been with me from the beginning of me wanting to start my photography career.
i took her pregnancy pictures when she was pregnant with maddie.
some engagement and family pics when maddie was born.
and that was when i just had a lil point and shoot and a sheet as a backdrop. heh.

i was blessed to be able to witness her wedding last year to tony.
and now... she's added a little boy to her beautiful family!!
so sarah and tony brought over their photogenic offspring.
and away with pictures we went.
it was SOOO cold and windy outside today.
so they were all troopers.
thanks guys! i had fun!
and lets get together more often. :)

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