Saturday, December 1, 2007

... willcox family fun ...

the willcox family = sheer family fun.
they were fun to work with a couple weeks ago.
we headed over to riverside for a family play date.
and i followed with my camera and gear.
the weather was PERFECT!
it was the last real nice, warm and sunny day i remember of this year.
so picking this date was a genius blessing.

i'm starting to like doing families a bit more.
we have a few booked this month.
can't wait to do those and see what comes of them.

as normal.
here's a few from the willcox session.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooo excited. These look great. Can't wait to see the rest. I'll let you know if we can meet earlier on Monday after I talk to Doug. Looking forward to it :) !!!!!!!!!!!