i've been sick the last week 1/2.
and i'm so looking forward to having my life back.
it actually started about a month ago.
but it hit me full force last week.
it started with a sore throat.
losing my voice.
chest pain.
plugging of the ears.
then once the painful cough started a day later.
i immediately went to the doctor.
the result?? walking pneumonia!!!
after i was diagnosed.
the chills. fever. cold sweats. fatigue. etc. all started.
and i was stuck in bed for a few days.
i'm starting to feel a whole lot better.
the only thing i'm really dealing with is chest pain.
when i do things such as running an errand, cleaning the house, etc.
i start to feel pressure on my chest. my throat flares up. and i get super duper tired and sweaty. blech.
for me - this sucks!
i keep wanting to get things done and do my normal life stuff.
but then i get a speech from daniel on how i'm trying to do too much.
i attempted singing the other night while at home.
yeahhh.... not a good idea.
my heart started beating fast and my chest pain made a ridiculous return.
so i'm not going to sing for a bit and wait til this all passes.
(for those that know me. i sing on a regular basis).
i'm getting better.
and i'm believing for a much quicker recovery. :)
of course.
i couldn't do a post without pictures.
(i did a lot of sleeping this last week. daniel graciously documented the event. check out the no makeup!! heh).

my lamp got booted to the floor to make room for the vaporizer and my lil' pharmacy.

thats right. i watched i love lucy and the waltons while in bed!!!