Saturday, February 9, 2008

... it's about that time!!! ...

it's already almost that time!!!
daniel and i are coming upon our halfway mark to our one anniversary!!!
it seems like i was walking down the aisle last week!!!

our one year anniversary trip plans have started.
we've been researching different locations.
italy. greece. ireland. prague. and of course, our beloved japan.

we're still making our decision.
and we're hoping to finalize the plans in the next couple months.
but i think we've narrowed it down to one of two locations.
1. a return trip to tokyo/kyoto (of course).
2. ireland (to daniels roots).

where do you think we should go??
i have a feeling ireland is gonna be the choice.
we shall see. :)

i'm giddy thinking about it all!!
the plan is to leave a couple weeks into september.
my bff/cousin/matron of honor is due with her first child around our anniversary.
and we definitely DO NOT want to miss that occassion!! :)
so exciting!!!

will it be...

... ireland??

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