Wednesday, February 27, 2008

... daniel is twenty-two!!!! ...

i am SOOOO behind on blogging.
so sorry.

daniel had a birthday party last week.
a surprise party, actually.
but with a twist.

i planned a dinner with daniels favorite foods.
and invited some very close friends/family to be our guests.
i called the guests a week ahead of time and informed them on the festivities.
then did my shopping for daniels gift and for the food while he was out of town.
he had NO idea.

i started cooking that day and he was still clueless. :)
he thought we were having dinner with our best friends, sean & vanessa.
i made stuffed mushrooms, stuffing, green bean casserole and had a big crown roast pork in the oven. :)
again... daniel had no idea why i was cooking a ton of food.
i guess thats one good thing out of having a husband whom is so non-observant.
we even had a friend sneak over some food. he dropped off a bag of goodies at the door while daniel was sitting in the living room - and he didn't even notice.

the twist was.
instead of me taking him out and coming home to "surprise!"
our doorbell kept ringing after 7pm.
he was so confused in the beginning on why people kept showing up.
then i told him.
"they're here for you!!! surprise!!! happy birthday!!!"
he freaked out!!!
it was amazing.

here's some pics from the great night of good food and good friends.
thanks to those who brought the other side dishes, drinks, cake and ice cream. :)
we love you all and are so glad to have friends/family like you to share our special days with.

vanessa and sean got the cake. :)
(it's his new nickname. heheh).

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Man, wish I could've been there :)