Sunday, February 10, 2008

... "top o' the mornin to ya lassie" ...

the decision is final.
and daniel and i are so incredibly excited.
our one year anniversary trip will be to... dublin ireland!!!
we'll be taking a few tours there... including a photography tour. :)
our tour guide will be a professional photographer that will be taking us to some photo hot spots and giving tips on how to take some sweet photos.
yeah.... needless to say... we're pretty stoked about that one.

it'll be nice to check out some of daniels roots there.
aaaaand it doesn't end there!!!
two of my dear friends live in germany at the moment.
not only are they good friends of mine... they are married and an amazing couple!!!
i've been friends with them both since high school.
i haven't seen them in a few years. at least three.
they were planning on doing a dublin trip this year anyways...
so we're gonna plan on meeting up and spending some time with them there.

all i can say at this point is... AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
we are very blessed.
(oh yeah. so the baby plans. have obviously been put on hold... probably for a few years now).

i can't wait til we can post pictures that we ourselves have taken of ireland.
seven months... and counting. :)

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