Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

... in case you were wondering ...

when i'm not doing your pictures, i'm playing zuma.
i'm thoroughly addicted to this game.
it's unhealthy.



BIG news!!!
our website is finally up!!!
go check it out!!!
click HERE!!

it's all done except for the background music.
we still have yet to decide which songs to post.
we have different tastes in music. :)

since every post needs a picture.
here's one we took of our kitty and our desk lamp.

(ps. we love comments on our blog)

... good friend times ...

lastnight was pure f-u-n.
a night full of laughing and friends!
15 of us couples from our awesome church got together and went out for a night of food, chatting and one big limo.
we all had dinner at cheddars in tulsa.
then got picked up by a limo to take a christmas lights tour.
here's a few pics i snapped throughout the night.
thanks amy! for planning an awesome time for us all! :)
we need to do these more often.
while posting these, i realized how blessed daniel and i are for how many awesome friends we have.
thanks for an amazing night guys!...

loadin the limo:

toasting our APPLE CIDER!!:

the first and last house we saw on the tour (tony took these shots - he was sitting by the window):

the group shots:

and i, of course snagged a few couples to do a few fun shots...







iman+karen (we were purposefully going for the prom style picture):


and then daniel and i completed our night with a few promo shots for our site. here's one that's fun:

yay! for friends!! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

... the serna family ...

oh man.
lots going on.
i know i'm behind on blogging.

in the midst of it all.
daniel and i were lucky enough to photograph one of the trendiest families we know.
they just had a new little baby 7 weeks ago.
and he's aaaadorable!!!
troyer keane. (the name says it all).

here are a few favorites from their shoot.
i also made them a slideshow.
(the first of many slideshows i'm sure i'll make).
you can view their slideshow here.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

... the daniels family ...

i did a couple family shoots today.
one of them being a really good friend of mine, sarah.
sarah has literally been with me from the beginning of me wanting to start my photography career.
i took her pregnancy pictures when she was pregnant with maddie.
some engagement and family pics when maddie was born.
and that was when i just had a lil point and shoot and a sheet as a backdrop. heh.

i was blessed to be able to witness her wedding last year to tony.
and now... she's added a little boy to her beautiful family!!
so sarah and tony brought over their photogenic offspring.
and away with pictures we went.
it was SOOO cold and windy outside today.
so they were all troopers.
thanks guys! i had fun!
and lets get together more often. :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

... newzzzz ...

HAPPY DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't believe it's already month no. 12.
this year was so.... full!
lots of growth.
lots of planning.
lots of learning.
and ya know... getting married and all. ;)
it's been a Godfilled and eventful year.
and we have so much more to look forward to next year!
it's exciting.

BIG news!
daniel is officially full time with me!!!
i joke around and say daniel is now my employer.
so this is what we now do.
it's literally a huge dream come true.
i've been planning on doing this for quite a few years now.
and it's all starting to develop.
it's amazing to watch things unfold when you put your dreams in Gods hands.
patience is key.
i've worked here and there.
i patiently and unpatiently at times waited on His timing.
i researched, practiced, etc. in photography.
and now...
God has really blessed us with His favor.
and has definitely paved this road for us.
it's a big step of faith.
but our God hasn't let us down yet.
and we never plan on Him to.
it's all lookin up from here.

after research and decision making.
daniel and i have been blessed with the opportunity and funds to buy a better and more professional website.
daniel did such a good job building what we have now.
i was impressed with his creativity and diligence.
we decided and have purchased a site with bludomain.
they pretty much rock our faces off.
so look out for our new website in the following days/week!!!

since every post needs a picture or some pictures.
i'll show these...
daniel and i did a photo shoot session specifically for our christmas cards this year.
here's a few snapshots from that cold night.
yes. daniel and i have LOTS of fun together.

... willcox family fun ...

the willcox family = sheer family fun.
they were fun to work with a couple weeks ago.
we headed over to riverside for a family play date.
and i followed with my camera and gear.
the weather was PERFECT!
it was the last real nice, warm and sunny day i remember of this year.
so picking this date was a genius blessing.

i'm starting to like doing families a bit more.
we have a few booked this month.
can't wait to do those and see what comes of them.

as normal.
here's a few from the willcox session.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

... michelle + ryan ...

last june, daniel and i were honored in witnessing his cousin, ryan, marry the beautiful michelle.
we snapped a few shots here and there throughout their most amazing day!
here's a few that i played around with today.
i'll show the ones i textured (since textured pictures are schweeeet!).

beautiful people = beautimous pictures!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

... holidayyy cardsss ...

the holidays are nearrrrrr!!!!
how excited am i?!?!?!?
VERY excited.
daniel and i have our christmas tree and decorations up already.
pics of that are soon to come.

we are so behind on blogging and posting pictures.
i hope to have some new pics up shortly.
in the meantime.
i've been working on christmas cards.
the ones posted on this entry are 100% designed by yours truly.

if you're wanting cards done.
let us know.
and we'll work hard to get them to you extremely soon.
christmas cards are scrumptous!
here's two that i've done.


back: (this is stephanies new way of saying "merry christmas")

front: (the words behind the pictures say "christmas" in navajo)
